Sam is growing!!!! Some of these pictures are a month or so old... better late than never, huh?
This is Sam at Halloween! The picture is turned sideways, but he's my litttle monkey :)
I sang him a song:
Sock monkey, monkey so funky
Sam is so chunky...... etc.. you get the idea...
He HATED the little hat....
He's a cute sleeper - Jake's Mom made Sam the fluffy blanket he's sleeping on...
I love this pose - It looks like he's dancing!
Here's a moment of happiness during tummy time - He's so fun to hang out with!
LOL! Here's a crusty look! He gives me these a lot.... he he he...
Cute little boy on a monkey blanket!
This is so my mom can see how much Sam has grown!
Sam and Grandma Keller
We have been doing great! Sam's a good sleeper so we are all happy!
Thanksgiving was great. We spent it with a family from the ward who already had a lot of their family in town for a baby blessing. We were just a couple of people out of many and hopefully fit right in! It's beautiful weather (in the 60s and 70s) and Jake went golfing with all the guys in the morning. Our friends from the ward own the public golf course in town. Jake loves it. :) We had a great time.
Lately we have been getting things done so we can come back to Utah for Jake's sister's wedding (Congrats Eva Anne and Nate!). We can't wait to meet Nate! Oh - and we will be back for Christmas too - so we will get lots of family time :) We get to drive back - about a 24 hour drive to Honeyville. Hopefully Sam can stand being in his car seat for that long~ He loves his car seat, but that's a long time. Hopefully Jake and I can stand being in a car that long too... :)
Well - I better go help Jake with lunch - we are doing great - Sam is awesome and we love him!